Why is Jesus called the Light in the Bible?

Why is Jesus called the Light in the Bible?

Our impact on the world may not always be visible to us, but through faithfulness and letting our light shine, we can trust that God is using us to touch lives in ways we may never fully realize. This should encourage us to persist in good works, knowing that our labour in the Lord is not in vain.

Why is Jesus called the Word in John 1?

Why is Jesus called the Word in John 1?

In this sermon, I explored the profound nature of our relationship with God and why Jesus is called “the Word.” Emphasizing the importance of slowing down in our spiritual practices to truly connect with Him.

How does God's love work alongside the Bible's commandments?

How does God's love work alongside the Bible's commandments?

What does it mean to be a Christian? Does it mean simply that you go to church? Perhaps that you prayed a prayer telling Jesus you believe in him? Does it mean that you need to live a perfect life to be worthy of God? Or perhaps it means enjoying the freedom of a loving Creator.

What does it mean to be a Christian?