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In this message, Pastor Stephen explored the profound truth that our hearts are designed for a relationship with God and how sin disrupts this connection. We often attempt to fill the void left by this broken relationship with temporary fixes—be it material possessions, social status, or personal achievements. Yet, these are fleeting and fail to address the underlying issue: our separation from God due to sin.

However, the message of Easter brings hope. God, in His infinite mercy, did not abandon us to our brokenness. Instead, He entered our world through Jesus Christ, who bore the punishment for our sins. By believing in Jesus and following Him, we begin the journey of healing and transformation. Our victory is not in our own strength but in the strength of Christ, who overcame death.

As we die to sin and are raised to new life in Christ, we experience a shift in priorities. It's no longer about worldly measures of success but about living in the fullness of life that Jesus offers—a life that, while not free from struggle or pain, is accompanied by the peace and joy of a loving Heavenly Father.

Consider following Jesus. Embrace the victory over spiritual death He offers, and live as people who have been made new through His sacrifice. 

Remember, Easter is about celebrating the opposites—death to life, sin to salvation, loneliness to relationship. Through Jesus' death and resurrection, we have hope and life, and our identity is found in Him. Live in the victory that Jesus' resurrection brings, carrying the message of hope and transformation into your daily life.